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DG-T 666 Hybrid Power Tipjar
-Scull Design-

How to Edit Notecards

add Names to access List Notecard
NOTE:Valid only if set for notecard access list names

config nc

Add name to share tips (Config nc)
NOTE:only one name can be added

NOTECARD GROUP access list

How to set Sensor (Config nc)
NOTE: the limit of range is no more than 90 meters

Lock/Unlock Tip jar (Config nc)
If Lock:the user login and NO next user can login Until logs out If Unlock:the user can login and every next user can login

Set Particle when someone is pay
you can activate particle system when someone is pay the tip jar

Show or Hide total tips (Config nc)

Done with Settings? Save Notecard!
NOTE:You have to give access of transfering linden to work properly!

Customize role names

And how to use the tip jar
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